June 5 2022
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the 2022 edition of iT’s Tissue took place in the presence of local institutions! The fourth edition of the most eagerly-awaited event of the industry has taken off! Lucca is ready to welcome the sector’s global community, who will meet together in the Tissue Valley to speak about technology and innovation in the field itself and its related activities.
The inauguration took place this morning in the Tissue Home, set up in the historic Real Collegio di Lucca, to officially open the awaited fourth edition of iT's Tissue. The ceremony took place at 11am in the presence of the representatives of the companies of the Tissue Italy Network, of the local authorities, including the Mayor Alessandro Tambellini and the Councilor Chiara Martini of Lucca; for the Tuscany Region, Councilor Valentina Mercanti and Luca Pagliaro of the Secretary of Councilor Stefano Baccelli (infrastructure and development); Giorgio Bartoli, Extraordinary Commissioner of the Chamber of Commerce and Carol Lucchesi of Lucca Promos; for Confesercenti, Alessio Lucarotti, President of Area Vasta, for Confindustria the national Vice President of Assocarta, Tiziano Pieretti and the President of the Real Collegio, Francesco Franceschini.
"My wish for this edition of iT's Tissue is that the tissue paper industry can continue to produce wealth, which then reverberates on everyone and continues to be an international point of reference - said Mayor Tambellini in his speech - We have excellences that the world really envies us. We must continue to invest in technology, research and development to improve productivity and reduce the impact on the environment. Sustainability is important and I am sure that in this too we will be able to lead. Congratulations on IT’s Tissue, we continue on this path with these events, which place the Lucca area at the attention of the world“.
Tiziano Pieretti, national Vice President Assocarta of Confindustria: "It should be emphasized the constant commitment of the companies of the Tissue Italy Network in the development and research for technological innovation aimed at saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. A tangible commitment that has already led to a reduction of 20%, a much higher value than the global trend. This is the right direction ”.
Ten years ago, 12 companies, leaders in the field, decided to unite their strengths to give life to a network with the goal of celebrating the excellence of Made in Italy to the eyes of the world. Today the companies, as part of the Tissue Italy Network, welcome visitors from across the globe to showcase state-of-art of technological innovations, sustainability and automation.
iT’s Tissue 2022 is poised for its fourth edition with renewed enthusiasm, underscored by the desire to challenge the obstacles of a particularly complex moment in history.
And despite it all, we’re here: iT’s Tissue once again opens its doors.